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Tea set, c.1770, with the arms of the Free & Easy Society impaling Page

This unusual and very rare part tea set has arms used by the Free & Easy Society of London (a mermaid rising from the sea holding a glass) impaling those of Sir Gregory Page (1695-1775), 2nd Baronet of Greenwich and a director of the East India Company.

He was the eldest son of Sir Gregory Page (1669-1720), created a baronet in 1714; a wealthy shipwright, brewer and merchant of the City of London, who was also a member of parliament and director of the East India Company. Sir Gregory Senior ordered five armorial services in the Chinese Imari palette for his family before his early death in 1720. His son inherited great wealth from his father and, according to a contemporary account, lived near Blackheath with his wife in "one of the finest houses in England, resembling a royal palace rather than a residence of a private gentleman." The mansion was lavishly decorated and displayed a very fine art collection which accorded with Sir Gregory’s tastes as a scholar and collector. He is also thought to have been a founding member of the Free & Easy Society.

The ’Free and Easy under the Rose’ Society was one of many such popular mid 18th century drinking clubs in Georgian London.  It was founded at the Queen’s Arms Tavern, St Paul’s Churchyard in 1760 and later met at the Horn Tavern. These impaled arms are painted in identical style on a very rare punch bowl of similar date, which on the reverse has the named inscription ’The Gift of Mr John Moore / For St [Sir] Gregory’s Members under The Rose / Thomas Vanhagan [a pastry cook with a shop at the Haunch of Venison in the same location] / Philip Bell / Samuel Thompson ...’ and a list of other names who were clearly Sir Gregory Page’s drinking companions. 

Teapot   SOLD
Cream jug & cover     SOLD
Sugar bowl                  SOLD
Teabowl & saucer       SOLD
Teabowl & saucer       SOLD
Single teabowl, with Elinor Gordon label     £250

Reference : Chinese Armorial Porcelain, Volume I, p.658 for the above-mentioned bowl with list of names and further information.

This part tea service (formerly only known from a 1928 Century House catalogue) will be illustrated in CAP Vol III.

Condition : Minor repairs, please enquire for further details on each piece.

Stock Number : 44111

Price : As above

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