Heirloom & Howard Limited

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We keep an ongoing search register of those who are interested in finding armorial objects connected with their own and related families.

By clicking on the Contact on the menu, this will take you to the Contact page where you can send us details of families you are interested in. When we find something appropriate, we will let you know.

It would be appreciated if you could leave us your postal address as well as an email contact as we like to keep our mailing list up to date and it is helpful to know from which country the enquiry originates. However, this is not a requirement.

When sending lists of family names, it is also very helpful to be given as much information as possible. For example, if the name is Smith - it is useful to know if possible from where the family originated, and if you happen to already know what specific crest or armorial you are looking for, this also saves a lot of time. In the case of the more common surnames, there will be a number of different branches and often a wide range of armorials granted to people of the same name.

Our stock of decorative armorial objects (paintings, coach panels and so on) are more likely to have been made for the British or British colonial markets, although the Chinese porcelain stock sometimes includes pieces made for Dutch, Swedish or other European families. In the case of Chinese export porcelain, most of these continental armorials are now fairly well documented in standard reference works.

It should be stressed that we stock and sell genuine antique objects with coats of arms or crests which we identify where possible to the correct family, and often to the original person for whom they were made. We do not carry out research to provide a link between the enquirer and the object in question. Nor do we undertake general genealogical research.


We occasionally undertake heraldic research and work with museums, auction houses, dealers and private collectors in identifying coats of arms, specifically those for British or British colonial families. Our charges depend on the amount of work involved, the level of complexity and the amount of documentation required. A price quotation is given before any work is started.

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